a greener northern bc

Saturday, May 31, 2008

PACHA Update

This upcoming week marks National Envoronment week with Clean Air Day falling on Wed. June 4th. PACHA is celebrating this day with Two events.

Tomorrow Sunday June 1st we will be at the YMCA Healthy Kids Day at Masich Place Stadium from 10:00 - 4:00. This going to be a first class children's event with a free hotdog and chicken kebob lunch for everyone. We will be celebrating with a kite flying!!!

On Sat June 7th we will celebrate Clean Air Day at the farmer's market.

At our AGM in early May we welcomed 3 new directors on board:
Scott Roberts,Dr. Kenneth Parker and Dr. Marie Hay.

We invite everyone to come out to our next meeting Tuesday June 10th at the Raven's Haven. This is on Geroge St across from the Ramada, betwen Final Chapeter and Sassafras Savouries.

We placed another order of our ever so cool and sought after PACHA t-shirts. They are available at Ave Maria's for a cost of $20.

If you would like to comment on the present review of Open Burning, please visit our website www.pachapg.ca and click on the link.

Hope to see you all out at the Clean Air Day evnets!!!

Working for healthier air,
From the PACHA board of Directors

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mountain Pine Beetle: From lessons learned to community-based solutions

June 10 — June 11, 2008

University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia

Conference Information
Are you someone who develops policy, community or land use plans, or conducts management activities in forested areas affected by Mountain Pine Beetle? FORREX Forest Research Extension Partnership, in collaboration with a number of partners, invites you invites you to Prince George, June 10-11, 2008 to attend a conference to listen, contribute, explore, and discuss what we have learned as a result of the past four years of research and other initiatives aimed at addressing the biological, environmental, and socio-economic questions and challenges associated with current mountain pine beetle epidemic, and how we can use this information to help us better plan and manage our natural resources now and in the future.

Key questions to be addressed at the conference include:

How do natural disturbances such as the mountain pine beetle influence the dynamics of the ecosystems in which they occur, and by how much?

What are the future forests in the areas affected by the mountain pine beetle going to look like?

Will the forests and ecosystems continue to provide the economic benefits, traditional non-timber products, ecological, and cultural services that we are accustomed to and expect from our forests?

Al Wiensczyk (Conference Chair)
Extension Specialist, Ecosystems and Stand Management
FORREX Forest Research Extension Partnership
c/o Council of Forest Industries
Phone: (250) 614-4354
Email: Alan.Wiensczyk@forrex.org