a greener northern bc

Friday, December 21, 2007

UNBC Brands Itself "Green"

The whole "branding" thing makes me nervous, but if it means the UNBC campus becomes more sustainable and the programming becomes even more environmentally conscious, then it is nothing but a good thing. The move to brand threatens to turn the process into an image design with no substance, a promotional tactic, smoke and mirrors. As long as UNBC administration commits fully to making substantial changes to infrastructure, energy consumption, and programming, then the brand is justified.

The university has the potential to change the face of post-secondary institutions around the world if it has the political will to lead and go all the way. Universities have always been leaders in revolutionary action so I would like to see UNBC not just imitate other green initiatives but go further, commit more, and be creative in how it restructures itself in relation to environmental issues.

Here is how UNBC has introduced itself on its website:

"Green may be the University’s official colour, but it is much more than that at UNBC. Our strong connection with nature extends from our academic activities and the architecture of the Prince George campus to our outdoor lifestyle and quality of life. We also recognize that the environment sustains the social, health, economic, and cultural well-being of northern people and our communities. Being innovative in environmental management and educating the next generation of environmental leaders is vital. This approach to sustainability is the basis of much of our teaching, research, campus operations, and community relations."

The university is well on its way to being as environmentally friendly as it says but it still has work to do. I invite students and community member to participate with UNBC in creating a model for sustainable institutions that can be carried into the next decade and beyond.


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